On journalism's problems
The top three problems journalism faces today.

The top three problems journalism faces today.
Does rap belong in the category of music? An analysis.
The top three problems journalism faces today.
How does one apply horizontal thinking on the problem of climate change? An essay.
How to apply deep thinking on the problem of climate change? An essay in applied deep thinking.
How does one apply vertical thinking to the problem of climate change? An essay in applied vertical thinking.
How may the dimensions of thinking be applied to solve the problem of climate change? An introduction to a series of essays in applied philosophy.
What does one do upon seeing an elephant stand on a mouse’s tail? A critique.
What separates lies and bullshit in practice? A reflection on Frankfurt's philosophy.
How does Spider-Man emerge? An essay in heroism.
Does the beautiful and the great spring from the same source? A short essay.
How definitive is context? An afterword to the examining nonsense series.
How should we relate to geniuses? Concluding the series.